AC breakdown in Georgetown, IN

Is Your AC About to Stop Working in Georgetown, IN?

September 21, 2023

As your AC’s efficiency diminishes, the system will emit some signs. Whenever you spot these indicators, it is crucial to act quickly before the underlying problem worsens. We will discuss some common signs that could indicate an impending AC breakdown in Georgetown, IN.

A Vibrating Outdoor Unit

Pay attention to the outdoor component whenever you turn on your air conditioner. If the outdoor unit vibrates every time the system turns on, your compressor is failing.

The movement happens because the compressor is hard starting. Turn off your air conditioner immediately if you notice the outdoor component vibrating, seek a technician’s assistance.

Your System Leaks Water

Water may leak from your HVAC equipment if there are clogs in the drain lines. The drain pan may also be leaking. In addition, refrigerant leaks may cause your heat pump to leak water.

Schedule regular AC maintenance to keep your drain pan and lines free from clogs. Listen for hissing and gurgling noises to confirm whether your refrigerant is leaking. Allow a professional technician to handle refrigerant leaks for you because the fluid harms humans and the environment.

Loud Noises

If you detect a noise that you have never heard from your AC system before, request a technician to inspect it immediately. Some weird noises include banging, clicking, buzzing, and rattling.

Loose components cause banging or rattling noises, while thermostat and capacitor issues may cause clicking sounds. Electrical problems may cause buzzing sounds.

Warm Air Through the Vents

Your air conditioner may fail to cool your home and start distributing warm air. Refrigerant leaks, ductwork leakages, a dirty air filter, and a dirty condenser unit can all reduce your air conditioner’s ability to cool your home. However, before you conclude your air conditioner is failing, confirm that you have set the thermostat to “Cool.”

Call Lamb’s Heating & Air Conditioning for outstanding air conditioning services. We will provide solutions for any HVAC issue in your house.

Image provided by iStock

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